George Anderson
Saved shopping carts in B2B eCommerce
We’ve just added a new feature to our SAP®-integrated shopping cart. Now, your B2B customers can save multiple carts to reuse for frequently placed orders. Saved carts allow your logged-in customers to:
- Name and save multiple standard orders in the shopping cart
- Organize saved orders, or carts, by location, season, territory, or any other naming convention that fits their needs
- Activate or copy saved carts, as needed
![At any point, once your customers have items in their cart, they can use the “save cart” button to save order for future use.](
At any point, once your customers have items in their cart, they can use the “save cart” button to save order for future use.
![his new feature makes it easy for your customers save multiple standard orders with memorable and meaningful names.](
his new feature makes it easy for your customers save multiple standard orders with memorable and meaningful names.